(Anti) Moany Monday

(Anti) Moany Monday #14

Good morning and Happy Monday!

This blog seems to have taken an unintentional turn towards all things Harry Potter lately and I appear to have been neglecting the leafy stuff (that’s tea to you!). Continuing in that fashion, I am sharing some wise words, spoken by Professor Dumbledore, about choices.

Photocredit: Tiny Buddha from the Readables

As much as skills are important; qualifications and other talents, the choices that we make are equally as important. I know that I have made some bad choices in my own life (hey, it’s part of growing up) but they have shaped me into the person that I am today and I don’t regret them for a second.

What choices did you make today?

For one, I’ve decided to take baby steps towards becoming more organised!

Jam signature

P.s. More tea posts coming soon…pinky promise!


7 thoughts on “(Anti) Moany Monday #14

  1. I have decided to puppy-proof my home today, in anticipation of adopting a puppy very, very soon. A dog will make our family complete. Adopting an animal is a monumental choice/decision, but one that we’ve contemplated and are ready to go forward with…


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