
#Weekendcoffeeshare | The recovery+return

Oh hi!

I’ve been seeing these #weekendcoffeeshare posts around the blogosphere for a while and thought that it sounded like a nice way to round off the week. And any excuse to have a ramble…

If we were to go for coffee, I would tell you that I haven’t slept that well in the last week because my lovely dear boyfriend “Bear” has taken up a new hobby; snoring. I’d apologise for looking a little tired.

At the risk of making my week sound trivial, the last few weeks (maybe a month) have been a bit of a struggle with the blog which has probably been evident in my lack of posting. From my last post in which I apologised for this, the response was quite supportive.

Weekend coffee share 2.png

You’re allowed to have a life…”

True. So why do I feel so guilty about not posting as regularly as I would like?

This blog is a great place of relaxation, indulgence in my passions and a place of great community. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am going to actively work on a schedule so that I am always producing the best content; content that I feel truly proud of and enjoy sharing. I’ve been thinking a lot about this, this week.

We’d order another round of caramal cappucinos (macchiatos if I’m really in the mood for a caffeine party…). I’d discuss that I’d been feeling a little lost and confused regarding my current career choice. That I wasn’t sure that I was getting what I want out of my current role. That I am considering completely starting fresh and abandoning what I went to university for (which is law in case you hadn’t read my old blogs as a law student).

Then I’d be really excited about the new books I am reading and the ideas for stories and writings that I am getting from meditative commutes to and from work. I’ve only just started Guy Portman’s Symbiosis and already I am a little intrigued as to how this story is going to pan out. I’ve also just finished Lee-Ann Hansen’s Yonder, which I can’t wait to tell you about. I’ve found a place in London that is offering the opportunity to be a part of a Chinese tea ceremony which I must buy tickets for. I wore a light jacket for the first time this year, this week. The changing season really is working wonders on my mood.

Even the current bout of sniffles that has been rapidly developing this week can’t keep me feeling down for too long.

See you soon lovely,

Jam signature


4 thoughts on “#Weekendcoffeeshare | The recovery+return

  1. I am also living with a partner that snores. It’s not good. Weight loss is now part of his plan or he will be permanently in the spare bedroom!

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